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Hnab lim rau asphalt cog plua plav sau fms lim hnab

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Polyester plua plav collector lim hnab yog nrov heev tsis ntev los no, feem ntau ntawm cov cement kev lag luam hluav taws xob cog asphalt cog dej khib nyiab rhiav tuaj rau peb.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Product Description

Polyester plua plav collectorhnab limyog nrov heev tsis ntev los no, feem ntau ntawm cov cement kev lag luam hluav taws xob cog asphalt cog khib nyiab dej kho Rhiav tuaj rau peb.

Technical Parameters ntawm Kev Xaiv Cov Khoom Siv:

Qhov hnyav: 500g / m²
Khoom siv: Polyester / Polyester / Polyester Antistatic Substrate Thickness: 1.8mm
Permeability: 15 m³ / m² · min
Radial tswj quab yuam:> 800N / 5 x 20cm
Latitudinal tswj quab yuam:> 1200N / 5 x 20cm
Radial tswj quab yuam: <35%
Latitudinal tswj quab yuam: <55%
Kev siv kub: ≤130 ° C
Tom qab kev kho mob: singeing, calendering, los yog Teflon txheej

asdad1 asdad2

Koob Felt Cloth


Daim ntawv thov


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